Return Policy

Standard Shipping Items

If your Standard Shipping item arrives damaged, please contact Customer Care within 72 hours. We accept the return of Standard Shipping item(s) within 30 days of delivery. To report delivery damage or make a return, call Customer Care at 856-388-9795.

No-Hassle Delivery + Assembly and Doorstep Delivery For Items Ordered Online

Please inspect your items on delivery. For any item that you received damaged, we will work with you to repair, or pick-up the item if you contact Customer Care at the phone number on your emailed order confirmation within 72 hours of delivery. Otherwise, ALL SALES ARE FINAL.

In-Store Purchase Return

If you purchased in a store, check the terms and conditions provided to you at the time of purchase (sometimes they are located on the back of your receipt). In-store purchases can be returned for STORE CREDIT ONLY, NO REFUND.


Broadlane Furniture guaranteed repair from all Natural Causes for up to five (5) years from the time of purchase. Be advised that repair for damage caused by customer will be assessed (REPAIR FEE).